Purchase with purpose this holiday season with Bonfire. We’ve selected ten of our favorite give-back campaigns with t-shirt designs that rock!
1. Save the Boundary Waters

The campaign to Save the Boundary Waters is leading the effort to ensure permanent protection for the Boundary Waters Wilderness, America’s most visited Wilderness and Minnesota’s crown jewel, from proposed sulfide-ore copper mining.
2. Save Coral Reefs

The Coral Reef Alliance (CORAL) is a US-based nonprofit organization whose mission is to unite communities to save coral reefs. Working with people around the world — from fishermen to government leaders, divers to scientists, Californians to Fijians — CORAL protects our most valuable and threatened ecosystem, coral reefs.
3. Elephants, Not Entertainers

Across the world, animals are taken from the wild, or bred in captivity, to be used for entertainment in the tourism industry. More than 3,000 elephants used for entertaining tourists are now in captivity in Asia. Most of them are living in severely inadequate conditions. World Animal Protection works to end this type of animal suffering.
4. Pets for Patriots

Pets for Patriots brings hope to the hopeless by pairing overlooked shelter dogs and cats with military veterans. They give animals who are out of time the second chance at life that they so richly deserve. And they give veterans who are coping with invisible wounds a reason to love — and live — again.
5. United We Dream

United We Dream Action is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation. The artwork on this shirt was made by the immigrant youth at United We Dream Action and all proceeds will go to help immigrant youth organize for justice and protect families from deportation.
6. California Wolf Center

The California Wolf Center is dedicated to the recovery of wolves in the wildlands they once roamed. They envision a landscape where wolves thrive in healthy ecosystems and wolves and people successfully coexist.
7. Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary

Everyone’s favorite Old Friends are featured together on this one amazing shirt. All of the funds raised through this campaign will go directly toward the care of the Old Friends both at the Sanctuary and in Forever Foster Homes.
8. Mint and Merit x Step Up

Step Up is on a mission to propel girls living in or going to school in under-resourced communities to fulfill their potential by empowering them to become confident, college-bound, career-focused, and ready to join the next generation of professional women. This campaign by Mint and Merit is fundraising for Step Up.
9. Earth Day Network

Earth Day Network’s mission is to diversify, educate and activate the environmental movement worldwide. All proceeds benefit Earth Day Network’s campaigns to safeguard our planet, clean up pollution, plant trees and protect biodiversity.
10. The Gorilla Foundation

This Koko the Gorilla t-shirt will help the Gorilla Foundation continue their project of Conservation through Communication. Their goal is to bring interspecies communication to the public, in order to save gorillas from extinction. They hope to inspire the next generation to create a sustainable future for all great apes.
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